Hello, Iā€™m Davidļƒ

Resume šŸ“ļƒ

My technical interests inculude computer graphics, game development, systems programming / Rust and site reliability engineering. Iā€™m currently working on ikari, a game engine that Iā€™m writing from scratch in Rust.

Iā€™m currently working as an engine programmer at Ubisoft Montreal.


Bachelor of Computer Science (BCompSc), graduated in June 2020 from Concordia University.

I am also an associate-level AWS Certified Developer.

Tools I have experience withļƒ



Game engine that Iā€™m writing from scratch in Rust in the hopes of using it to make a small first-person shooter.


Shell smashļƒ

Cute crab-themed bullet hell / puzzle game built with the Rust Bevy Engine for a game jam with 3 friends.



Helps map the positions of your christmas lights and provides a framework for programming 3D-aware animations that run on your tree.


Super Shopper CTRļƒ

Speed shopping game built with Unity for a class project with 5 other team members.


Blender Ramp Creatorļƒ

Blender plugin for dynamically creating, shaping and resizing 3D models of skateboard ramps. Repo url
